A 37-year old man may be approaching your 12-year old child right now asking for a sexual favor… are you prepared to fight back…

Is your child the next victim of an online predator? Find out who these men are and how you can protect your children from unwanted abuse on and off the Net…


“Trolling the Internet Is a National Epidemic,” Reports Dateline Correspondent Chris Hansen


More than 75% of children under the age of 14 will be approached by an online predator this year… is YOUR child at risk?

Do you know what steps to take to prevent an online predator from taking advantage of your children?

As a parent, you should know the threat of online predators is real. Think the Internet is safe? Think again. Each day billions of children log onto the Internet. They use the Net as a source of communication, interaction and entertainment.

Every day, millions of online predators wait eagerly to tap into their next unsuspecting victim….

You are about to discover:

  • 7 telltale warning signs that will reveal whether your child is at risk for communication with an online predator, and steps you can take to stop future interaction IMMEDIATELY…

  • The top 5 kid and teen chat sites your children can use that are 5 xs safer than the chat rooms the general public or adults use, where predators are more likely to target your children.

  • The 4 best sites for younger children to visit safely, learn, and have fun without an increased risk for exposure when surfing the Web.

  • The 2 best sites for your teenager to visit communicate with others and learn from the Web with minimal risk of online predation…

Online predators present the #1 danger your child faces when surfing the Net. If you haven’t heard already, online predators are aggressively seeking our children, and you owe it to your family to do everything possible to protect them from the insidious and nebulous danger presented.

Dateline’s “To Catch A Predator” Revealed That Every Day Online Predators Creep Into Chat Rooms, Filling Them With Sexually Graphic Material, Planning Sex Acts With 12 and 13 Year Olds…

Is your child next? Even if your child never visits an online chat room, they may be at risk for becoming an online predator’s next victim.

Every child is at risk, no matter their age, their personality or their interests. Don’t sit back and accept a false sense of security, your child may be at risk.

Protecting Children from Online Predators
Updated March 2025

A Parent’s Online Lifeline

Click Here To Download Your Copy FOR ONLY $9.99


Take Action To Protect Your Children From Harm Today And Discover:

  • Telltale signs online predators are tuning into your children and what you can do to prevent them from becoming their next victim…

  • The types of children most often targeted by online predators, and what steps you can take to reduce your child’s risk…

  • 3 critical steps every parent must take to prevent predators from accessing their children… they are easier than you think…

  • How to use filtering software in your home and remotely to monitor your child’s online activity… without invading their privacy…

  • Tips and techniques that offer real time protection when your children are live online…

  • Tools for selecting what your child views on the Web and how often they communicate with others…

  • How to talk to and connect with your teenager to ensure their health and safety…


And much more! Find out right now what you can do to protect your child from online predators.

Don’t allow predators to steal your child’s security, innocence and safety.

Hurry, before you miss out on this opportunity to save your child from the unnecessary harm, pain and confusion that accompanies the actions of an online predator. Download your digital copy today!



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Just try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your children deserve to be safe.

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Don’t let your child become the next victim of an online predator. EVERYONE is at risk… whether your child is 17, 14, 10, 8… even 4 years old.

Everyone has access to the Web. If you don’t take action immediately, you may put your child’s safety at risk. I urge you to take advantage of this limited time offer to learn what steps you can take to protect your children.

We’d like to offer this opportunity in perpetuity, but our time is limited. So please act now so you can do everything possible to protect your children from a real threat…

Download Your Copy Today… it is the smartest and safest decision you have to make all day…


Yes, Michael, I want to order How to Protect Your Child From Online Predators FOR ONLY $9.99 and discover how I can protect my children, and find out the telltale warning signs so I can prevent something happening to my children.

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Michael J Ming



P.S. – Don’t forget, you have nothing to risk with our iron clad no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee. Protect our children, protect our future.